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Free Plugins: B2BKing Wholesale and Private Store

October 23, 2020

We have released 2 free plugins in the WordPress.org repository:

Private Store for WooCommerce: https://wordpress.org/plugins/b2bking-private-store-for-woocommerce/

B2BKing Wholesale (B2BKing Core) : https://wordpress.org/plugins/b2bking-wholesale-for-woocommerce/

You can use the plugins to test B2BKing functionality as well as get a preview in case you're undecided about your purchase.

To get the full version, B2BKing Premium, check out our current Premium offers!

B2BKing is a product made with passion by SNP Digital, that we are constantly developing, supporting and improving.

Buy B2BKing


$199 $149

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