By default, if you combine fixed price rules with discount rules, they will combine in their effects. For example, if you have a product that costs $500 for regular users, and you have 2 rules:
-> fixed price: $250 for B2B users
-> discount: 50% for B2B users
The results is that the price will show as $125, reduced from $250. This works great in many situations, but not all.
There are setups where you may want discounts to not be given to a user, if that user already has a fixed price rule.
This can be achieved by adding the following snippet to the site:
add_filter('b2bking_get_offer_product_id', function($offer_id,$current_product_id, $rule_type){
// if this is a discount rule
if ($rule_type === 'discount'){
// if user has any fixed price rules
$fixed_price_rules = get_transient('b2bking_fixed_price_'.$current_product_id.'_'.get_current_user_id());
$fixed_price_parent_rules = get_transient('b2bking_fixed_price_parent_'.$current_product_id.'_'.get_current_user_id());
if (!empty($fixed_price_rules) || !empty($fixed_price_parent_rules)){
return $current_product_id;
return $offer_id;
}, 10, 3);
Please note that the above currently works only for discount rules that have the "show discount as sale price" checkbox enabled.