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Yet preference connection unpleasant yet melancholy but end appearance. And excellence partiality estimating terminated day everything.
October 21, 2022
Multi-Currency Support

Table of Contents Integrations built by usIntegrations built by 3rd partiesThere are a number of multi-currency plugins on the market, such as FOX, YayCurrency, CURCY, YITH MultiCurrency, etc. These plugins work by changing the final price according to an exchange rate. Since B2BKing also changes final prices (to apply discounts or wholesale pricing), these plugins […]

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September 22, 2021
Product Visibility Compatibility

Table of Contents Barn2 WooCommerce Product TableBelow are some PHP snippets + guides to make B2BKing product visibility compatible with 3rd party plugins. Here is a guide for adding PHP snippets: Add PHP/JS Snippets Barn2 WooCommerce Product Table # To make B2BKing's visibility work with this table plugin: Make sure to disable the Product Table […]

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August 6, 2020
WP All Import Issues

Table of Contents Importing metadata is not workingImporting metadata is not working # If you see issues after metadata import, such as imported data being erased/deleted for no reason, that is often resolved by enabling this option: Increase speed by disabling do_action calls in wp_insert_post during import. This setting can be found in All Import › […]

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