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December 1, 2020
Initial Configuration - Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up a WooCommerce B2B Store

Table of Contents Step 1) Set Shop ModeStep 2) Enable Desired FeaturesStep 3) Quote Request Button (SKIP this step if you are not using quotes)Step 4) Set Guest Access RestrictionStep 5) Organize Users in Groups (Important)Step 6) Configure Product Visibility Step 7) Configure Registration Step 8) Configure Wholesale PricingStep 9) Translate B2BKing to your LanguageCommon […]

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May 3, 2020
How does "Plugin Status" work?

Table of Contents Plugin Status - Options ExplainedEffectsPlugin Status - Options Explained # B2B & B2C Hybrid - Enables the plugin only for users that are part of "B2B groups". The idea behind this is that the experience of B2C users is unaffected by B2BKing in any way. You can set the user's group on […]

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May 2, 2020
Quick Start Guide: Install and Activate B2BKing

Here is a quick step-by-step guide to install and get started with B2BKing. 1. Download the plugin file (.zip) 2. Log into your WordPress site. 3. Go to: Plugins > Add New > Upload 4. Select the .zip file of the plugin and click "Install Now" 5. The plugin will now prompt you to install […]

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B2BKing is a product made with passion by SNP Digital, that we are constantly developing, supporting and improving.

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