Initial Configuration - Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up a WooCommerce B2B Store

The B2BKing Quick Start Guide explains how to install and activate the plugin.

After this initial step, let's look at how to configure the plugin initially, step-by-step, based on your shop's requirements.

The guide below is a summarized guide of the main configuration points. If you're looking for more details about something, please try to search for a dedicated article on the main Documentation page. There are many options and functions that will not be covered by this guide.

Step 1) Set Shop Mode #

The first step is going to B2BKing > Settings > Main Settings and choosing either B2B Shop, or B2B + B2C Hybrid.

The 2 options explained:

B2B Shop - All your customers are businesses

B2B + B2C - You sell to businesses, as well as individuals.

The main difference is that B2C customers will not see B2B-specific items if you use the B2B + B2C mode. For example they will not see "Bulk Order Form" or "Conversations" in the My Account panel.

Step 2) Enable Desired Features #

In the same panel (in B2BKing > Settings > Main Settings), configure which of the 5 configurable features you would like to use. These are items that show in B2B users' my account panel.

Step 3) Quote Request Button (SKIP this step if you are not using quotes) #

In B2BKing -> Settings -> Other -> Quote Requests, you can control which users (B2C, B2B, None or ALL) will be able to request a custom quote in cart.

This is the button controlled by this setting:

Step 4) Set Guest Access Restriction #

In B2BKing > Settings> Guest Access Restriction, you can control the experience of guest users (logged out users) by choosing one of these options.

There are 4 main options: hidden prices, hidden shop, force login, quote request system. These options are explained in detail here.

If you want to configure these things in more detail, for example to hide prices only for a category of products, or enable quote requests for logged in users as well, this kind of configuration can be done through B2BKing's Dynamic Rules system (in B2BKing > Dynamic Rules).

Step 5) Organize Users in Groups (Important) #

Regardless of which shop mode you are using, you must organize users in groups.

Go to B2BKing > Groups > Business Groups and create at least 1 B2B User Group.

You can now assign users to groups on each user's profile page.

User assigned to the "B2B Users" group

You can also assign users in bulk in B2BKing > Tools > Bulk Editor > Set customer group for all users.

You can also assign users to groups programmatically if you have a large number of users.

Customer group controls things such as what prices a user sees, whether the user is tax exempt, visible payment methods etc. A user can only be part of 1 group (because many of these are binary choices, and for example a payment method can't be both visible and invisible at the same time).

Step 6) Configure Product Visibility #

Product visibility means certain items or categories are hidden from certain users. For example you may want to have wholesale items visible only for particular users or groups.

If you do not need this functionality, simply keep this switch enabled (it is enabled by default) and skip the rest of this step.

If you need this functionality:

6.1) Disable the visibility switch. It should look like this. This enables the visibility functionality.

6.2) (Optional). Go to B2BKing > Tools > Bulk Editor and Set All Categories visible to all groups. By default categories are hidden so it may be simpler to set all categories as visible and only hide a few categories manually.

6.3) For each category you can go in the category page and control visibility by group or by user.

6.4) For each product you can follow category visibility settings, OR set visibility manually. If you set it manually per product, this overrides category settings. To do this, simply go in the product page backend, scroll to the bottom of the page, and choose manual visibility in the B2BKing dropdown:

Step 7) Configure Registration #

To set up registration, there are 2 main paths you may want to take:

A) Use the normal registration in My Account.

To do this, simple keep this switch enabled in B2BKing > Settings > Registration.

B) Separate B2B and B2C registration (click for the detailed article)

A short explanation of how registration settings work:

  • The options in the "User Type" dropdown in the above gif are controlled in B2BKing > Registration Roles. For each role you can control settings such as whether approval is manual or automatic.
  • The custom fields attached to each role are controlled in B2BKing > Registration Fields.

Step 8) Configure Wholesale Pricing #

The easiest way to set up wholesale pricing is to set it up by group. Each group has its own dedicated pricing section in the product backend page.

In the product page you can also set Tiered Pricing and the Tiered Pricing Table.

If you have a large number of items, B2BKing has its own price export and import tool to set these in bulk.

Step 9) Translate B2BKing to your Language #

If you would like to translate B2BKing, please see our dedicated article for translation in the docs.

You should also go to B2BKing > Settings > Language and set "Purchase Lists Language". Please keep in mind this only controls language for the purchase lists feature, which cannot be translated through the normal mechanism.

Common Problems #

There are a few common issues such as getting 404 Errors in the My Account pages. Please see the Questions and Answers section in the Documentation.

If you cannot find an answer, please open a support ticket with us in our Support Center.

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