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WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts for Wholesale & B2B Stores

January 2, 2021

Setting up a system of discounts and dynamic pricing is a common necessity for B2B or wholesale stores. You may want to give better prices to your wholesale users, special discounts, or special incentives for purchasing a minimum quantity or volume of items.

This is usually difficult to set up with WooCommerce and even more so if you are running a hybrid B2B + B2C store, where you have both types of customers using your site.

B2BKing - Complex Pricing and Discounts

B2BKing is a WooCommerce plugin that was built specifically to meet the needs of wholesalers, and features powerful complex pricing setups through a proprietary system of dynamic rules.

Below is an extreme rule example to illustrate the power of the plugin:

Complex Dynamic Rule

Rule example: The above rule gives 25% off Computers and Smart Devices to B2B Users and VIP Users, if they purchase a minimum of 25 of each item.

Dynamic rules can do much more than set up discounts. There are rules for: minimum orders, free shipping, hidden price, quantity step (for items that come in boxes), custom taxes & fees, currency symbols, zero tax products, tax exemptions and more.

Here are just a few of the things you can do with B2BKing when it comes to discounts and pricing:

  • Set up tiered pricing (progressively better pricing as quantity ordered increases) with an automatically generated price table.
  • Set up different discount levels for different user types. For example: 10% discount for resellers, 20% discount for VIP users.
  • Set up unique, negotiated discounts for particular users. For example: 25% discount for Joe's Shop LLC
  • Set up different discounts for different product categories. For example: 10% discount on toys, 20% discount on electronics.
  • Tax-Exempt particular users or user groups and allow them to see prices without tax in the shop.
  • Set up discounts for specific products, for specific users, in various combinations.
  • Enter final price directly for different user groups. For example: in the product page backend you can set $100 regular price, $90 for wholesalers, $80 for resellers, and $75 for the VIP group.

Different Prices for Different Users

With B2BKing you can organize users into groups and create an unlimited number of custom B2B groups to fit your store's needs.

Business Groups in B2BKing

Each group that you create has its own special pricing fields in the product page backend (for both simple and variable products). Here is an example of what that looks like in the backend:

Different price fields for each group

As you can see in the above image, there is the regular price, which the majority of users (such as logged out users or B2C users) will see. And then each group has its own special pricing.

For example: a customer can open the site as a guest and see the regular price, and then after logging in that price changes to a better one depending on the customer's account and group.

Each group also has its own tiered price setup, so that the price decreases as the user's order quantity increases.

Group Discounts and User Specific Discounts

With B2BKing you can set both discounts that apply to user groups/roles, as well as discounts that apply to specific user/usernames that you choose. So for example: a user can be part of the wholesalers group, which has a 20% discount on all items, but also have a special 30% discounted price when purchasing from the electronics category.

Discounts are created through B2BKing's dynamic rules system and can be set up in many different ways, and can be created for all items, for a category, or even a specific product or individual variation.

50% Discount for All Registered Users on a single product

Tiered Pricing and Price Table

Through tiered pricing you can set up multiple quantity ranges and a different price for each. This enables stores to incentivize their customers to purchase larger volumes.

Backend Tiered Pricing Setup

In the above example the regular price is $45, but it can come down to as low as $25 if the user purchases over 1000 units.

B2BKing can also automatically generate a price table in the frontend, to easily present this information to the customer. Here's what the above backend setup would look like from the customer's perspective:

Tiered price table displays information in a user-friendly manner

Ultimate WooCommerce Wholesale Plugin

B2BKing is an in-depth wholesale plugin with over 137+ features and functionalities. In this article we have discussed pricing and discount functions, but the plugin is capable of so much more. Here are the main features of B2BKing:

  • Extended Business Registration with Custom Fields
  • Request a Quote
  • Product and Category Visibility
  • Minimum Order Quantity and Amount
  • Hide Prices for Guests or Logged in Users
  • Private Store functionality and Hide Website
  • Coupon Restriction for B2B / B2C
  • Content Restriction Shortcode - Different Content for Different Users
  • Wholesale Bulk Order Form
  • Conversations and Messaging
  • Purchase Lists ( can be reused for frequent actions: e.g. replenish stock)
  • Product Information Table
  • Tax Exemptions, VAT Validation, VIES
  • Shipping and Payment Methods Control
  • Display Prices Incl. or Excl. Tax
  • Multi User Accounts ( Subaccounts )
  • B2B Offers and Bundles
  • Invoice Payment Gateway
  • and so much more.
B2BKing is a product made with passion by SNP Digital, that we are constantly developing, supporting and improving.

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$199 $149

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