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July 12, 2024
Add a Custom Dashboard Page

You may want to add your own custom page and content to the agent dashboard. To do that, you can add the following PHP code snippet to the site: In the above code, you can directly change the title and content of the page. To change the page icon, you can replace "ni-navigate-fill" with "ni-" […]

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March 23, 2023
How to Modify the "New Customer" Form

Table of Contents How to remove fields from the formHow to add a new field to the formAgents can add customers by going to their agent dashboard -> my customers and clicking on the "+add" button. That will open up a customer registration form: How to remove fields from the form # To remove a […]

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February 14, 2023
Troubleshooting: Images not displaying in the Agent Dashboard

If images are not showing in the dashboard, that's a common problem, usually caused by "Lazy Loading". Lazy loading is a feature of performance-oriented plugins such as WP Rocket, WP Smush, and others. To resolve the issue you would need to exclude the agent dashboard from lazy loading in those plugins' settings. An easy way to […]

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January 28, 2023
How to Add Custom CSS to the Agent Dashboard

Because the agent dashboard is built in a way that's disconnected from the theme, typical methods of adding CSS do not work there. Here is how to do it: Add a PHP code snippet to your site, as follows: You can place any custom CSS between the <style> </style> tags. This CSS will only apply […]

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January 24, 2023
Profit-based Commission Calculation

We are now introducing profit-based commission calculation to SalesKing. This calculation mechanism can be enabled in SalesKing -> Settings -> Commission Calculation. This setting requires the following free plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/cost-of-goods-for-woocommerce/ With this setting enabled, all calculations are done based not on product price, but based on profit for that item. Here is an example of […]

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January 23, 2023
How to Edit SalesKing Dashboard Page Templates

SalesKing allows you to edit most of its built-in pages, by copying the PHP templates to your theme folder (or child theme if you're using one) inside a folder named 'salesking', and then editing them directly. This is similar to how WooCommerce works. By using this method and a child theme, you can make changes […]

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January 2, 2023
SalesKing Changelog

Version 1.6.90 - September 4th, 2024 Fixes: - Fixed issue where entering a variable product id in the commission panel did not trigger the commission. - Minor bug fixes and improvements Version 1.6.81 - July 8th, 2024 Hotfix: bug related to get_coupon_id_by_code() function Version 1.6.80 - July 7th, 2024 Changes & enhancements: - Hidden license […]

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December 26, 2022
How to Setup a Sales Agents Registration Form

If you're looking to allow sales agents to register / apply for an account, here's what you need to know: You can enable this either through the B2BKing plugin (built-in integration with B2BKing's registration feature), or through most Forms plugins, such as WP Forms or Gravity Forms. If you use a Forms plugin, you need […]

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December 5, 2022
SalesKing Presentation

SalesKing is the complete solution for managing a Sales Team, Sales Agents or Reps, compatible with any WooCommerce store. Agents can manage customers, orders, coupons, carts, etc., while on the admin side you can configure complex commissions, agent groups, payouts, announcements, and much more… SalesKing takes care of everything. It automatically sets up a powerful […]

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July 17, 2021
SalesKing Plugin Setup Guide

Table of Contents CHAPTER 1: SETTINGSCHAPTER 2: AGENT GROUPSCHAPTER 3: COMMISSION RULESThe SalesKing Quick Start Guide explains how to install and activate the plugin. After this initial step, let's look at how to configure the plugin initially, step-by-step, based on your shop's requirements. This page will explain all settings. CHAPTER 1: SETTINGS # Step 1) Choose Dashboard Page and […]

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