SalesKing Changelog

Version 1.6.81 - July 8th, 2024

Hotfix: bug related to get_coupon_id_by_code() function

Version 1.6.80 - July 7th, 2024

Changes & enhancements:

- Hidden license details by default

- Agent dropdown no longer shown if the customer has used an affiliate registration link

- Monthly group rules are now applied linearly (a single group rule can apply to a user at a time).

- Group rules now use orders based on completed status by default.


- Fixed commission calculation bug for guest customers

Version 1.6.70 - May 28th, 2024


- Fixes to commission calculation algorithm

- Minor fixes

Version 1.6.60 - April 9th, 2024


- Compatibility update with latest Woo version


- Minor fixes and improvements

Version 1.6.50 - February 18th, 2024


- Added Checkout Blocks support for Pending Payment Gateway

- General compatibility update for WooCommerce Checkout Blocks


- Payout note in email now uses admin note

Version 1.6.35 - January 9th, 2024


- Fix for issue with switching to agent

- Minor fixes and improvements

Version 1.6.30 - December 27th, 2023


- Added compatibility with Advanced Google reCAPTCHA plugin for login


- Fixed security vulnerabilities reported by Patchstack

- Fixed bug affecting commissions on subagent earnings

- Fixed issue with Chinese traditional tables translation

- Fixed bug showing a yellow dot on the orders page on mobile

Version 1.6.15 - December 1st, 2023


- Licensing and updating fixes

- Minor fixes and improvements

Version 1.6.10 - December 1st, 2023


- HPOS fix for manage order buttons

- Minor bugs and fixes

Version 1.6.00 - October 29th, 2023


- Fixed bug where choosing ‘none' during registration was not possible.

- Minor fixes & improvements

Version 1.5.85 - August 20th, 2023


- Added WePOS integration to calculate commissions on pos orders


- Fixed deprecated function on Coupons dashboard page

- Fixed cart sharing empty table error on Cart sharing page

Version 1.5.80 - August 16th, 2023


- Added the ability to assign an agent to a coupon via the site admin backend, when editing the coupon.


- Fixed checkout warning error

- Fixed commission bug when agents place orders

Version 1.5.70 - July 20th, 2023


- Added HPOS support

- Various improvements and bug fixes


- Fixed bug regarding commissions when agents place orders with their own accounts.

Version 1.5.50 - May 18th, 2023


- UI backend enhancements

- Added priority system to commission rules

- Added new option to create commission rules by product/variation IDs.

- Added new option to coupon creation that allows adding free shipping coupons.


- Fixed backend payouts button error

Version 1.5.11 - February 5th, 2023


- Fix for new "Sales Agent Dropdown" feature showing 'none' too many times.

Version 1.5.10 - February 5th, 2023

New features:

- Profit based commission:

- New setting allowing customers to choose agents from a dropdown during registration.

- It is now possible to overwrite SalesKing dashboard .php page templates:


- Added ‘tables language’ setting in SalesKing → Settings → Main Settings

- Individual earnings table for specific agents can now be downloaded. Payment method and coupon used can also be included optionally

- Commission calculation now also works for backend orders


- Fix for rules min / max order application issue

Version 1.4.97 - January 15th, 2023

New features:

- Take out discounts from agents' commission: when agents edit the price in cart to offer a discount, the discount can be taken from that agent's commission.

- It is now possible to print or download Earnings and Payouts reports in the backend as CSV / PDF


- Improved “Share Cart” feature. It will now be able to save bundles, product options, custom data, etc. added by 3rd party plugins as well.

- Added form validation in agent dashboard for creating customers, team members, etc.

- Design improvements and fixes for plugin pages

Version 1.4.90 - December 26th, 2022

New features:
- 'Specific Products Belong to Specific Agents'. You can now create commission rules for specific products for individual agents, and those products always give commission to the selected agents.
- Added 'Min' and 'Max' order value restrictions for commission rules. Rules can now apply to orders of a minimum value only for example.
- Added option to remove agent from all customers in editor tool

- Better currency handling in vendor dashboard
- Added filter to load orders table via AJAX:
add_filter('salesking_load_orders_table_ajax', '__return_true');
- Added new button that duplicates commission rules

- Fixed issue with custom order statuses

Version 1.4.73 - December 4th, 2022

- Added ability to load customers table with AJAX via filter: add_filter('salesking_load_customers_table_ajax,'__return_true');
- Fixed license activation issues

Version 1.4.70 - November 30th, 2022

- Added built-in auto-updates and license verification system
- New hooks throughout the plugin
- Minor bug fixes

Version 1.4.62 - November 4th, 2022

- Added support for additional fields when creating new customers in SalesKing (B2BKing Integration)
- Various fixes and improvements

Version 1.4.50 - September 16th, 2022

New Features:
- New setting that allows agents to earn commission on earnings placed with their own accounts. Can be enabled in SalesKing -> Settings -> Commission -> Earn commissions on own account orders. 

With this setting, agents don't need to create a new customer account for each order, and can instead use their own accounts.

Version 1.4.05 - July 26th, 2022

- Various improvements and bug fixes

Version 1.3.9 - May 24th, 2022

New Features:
- Added monthly group change feature
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

Version 1.3.7 - April 10th, 2022

New Features:
- Added Reports page in backend
- Added vendor balance history in Payouts
- Modifications to balance algorithms and extra options
- Price editing feature no longer applied in the minicart
- Fixed month display issue in agent earnings panel
- Various bug fixes

Version 1.3.2 - March 7th, 2022

- Added agent to order quick view
- Added new tool: assign all customers to agent
- Added additional hooks
- Fixed subagent calculation earnings bug
- Other minor fixes

Version 1.2.9 - February 2nd, 2022

- Commissions can now be added manually for orders without commission
- Added agent column in users panel dashboard
- Added filter by agent in users panel dashboard
- Improved handling of non-latin characters
- Improved handling of how orders are registered

- Fixed bug where agents were able to edit their group/max discount

Version 1.2.7 - January 3rd, 2022

- Added setting to allow all agents to act as reps for all customers / manage all customers
- Added agent column in users panel dashboard
- Added filter by agent in users panel dashboard
- Improved handling of non-latin characters
- Improved handling of how orders are registered
- Fixed bug where agents were able to edit their group/max discount

Version 1.2.2 - November 22nd, 2021

- Added agent column to orders
- Added filter by agent to orders
- Added setting to control number of subagent levels
- Fixed bug related to creation of new customers
- Fixed affid redirect issues

Version 1.2.0 - November 12th, 2021

New features:
- New setting to substract parent agent commission from main agent (thus the commission paid by admin is same)
-Added teams panel in the backend where agent relationships / subagents can be viewed
- Cart Sharing can now handle incomplete attribute products
- B2BKing custom fields can now be added when adding a new customer directly.
- Added backend display for agent orders in case earnings are disabled
- French translation added, courtesy of Cedric and JL Communication

- Better handling of deleted orders
- Better handling of situations where accounts already exist when trying to create subagents / customers
- Fixes issue where products could not be added to orders

Version 1.1.3 - September 27th, 2021

- Added additional body classes
- Added button leading to dashboard in my account
- Dashboard ui improvements and fixes

- Fixed AJAX related issue / conflicts
- Fixed fatal error with some PHP configurations

Version 1.1.0 - September 9th, 2021

- Added tools panel with ability to manage subagents
- Added compatibility with Dokan registration
- Added multiple hooks

- Fixed issue where B2BKing group pricing would overwrite agent pricing
- Fixed issue with logo display in dashboard pages
- Fixed various minor bugs

Version 1.0.7 - August 23rd 2021

- Solved WPML My Account fields translation issue
- Fixed order assignment bug where orders would not be registered to an agent

Version 1.0.5 - August 1st 2021

New Features:
- Added ability for sales agent to add notes during checkout

- Improved subagent registration emails
- Added button from dashboard to homepage
- If agent ID is entered during agent registration, agent is set as part of team
- Interface improvements

- Fixed issue where Shop as customer button was not visible in Mobile
- Added space at the top in Shop as Customer view to make room for navigation

Version 1.0.0

Initial Release

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