Buy B2BKing
$199 $149
The plugin includes several shortcodes that you can easily insert anywhere on your website.
[b2bking_offers] - Adds the offers page anywhere
[b2bking_offers id=1234] - Adds an individual offer anywhere on the site. For example you can use this to add an offer to a product's description, advertising a bundle that product is part of.
To get an offer's id, go to B2BKing -> Offers in the backend, and click on the offer. The number in the URL (e.g. ?post=1234) is the id of the offer.
[b2bking_purchaselists] - Adds the purchase lists page anywhere
[b2bking_bulkorder] - Adds the bulk order form anywhere
There are additional shortcode parameters for styling (order form theme), features, excluded products, etc. Please see the following article for details:
[b2bking_bulkorder theme=cream sku=yes]
[b2bking_bulkorder theme=cream stock=yes]
[b2bking_bulkorder theme=cream sku=yes stock=yes]
[b2bking_csvorder] - Adds the CSV order form anywhere
[b2bking_b2b_registration] - Adds Login + Registration forms
In order to see the registration form, and not just login, the following setting needs to be enabled: In WooCommerce -> Settings -> Accounts you need to enable “Allow customers to create an account on the “My account” page”.
[b2bking_b2b_registration_only] - Adds Registration form only
The 2 registration shortcodes also support parameters. For more details about using these shortcodes and what parameters you can use, see our article on How to Separate B2B and B2C Registration.
[b2bking_login_only] - Adds Login form only
To add the product information table to the product page (especially when designing a single product template), you can use:
To add the tiered price table to the product page, you can use:
This also supports product IDs, for example:
[b2bking_tiered_pricing_table id=123]
This way you can display multiple tiered tables by specifying the product IDs you're requesting the tables for.
[b2bking_tiered_pricing_table allvariations=yes]
This can be added to the description of a variable product to show a table for each of its variations.
You can add a quote request form to any page, by adding the following shortcode:
This shortcode has an optional parameter for "type", to control whether it shows as a clickable button that opens a quote form, or directly as a form:
[b2bking_quote_form type=button]
[b2bking_quote_form type=form]
It is also possible to manage (add, remove or edit) quote form fields.
You can control what content is available to what users (e.g. different content for B2B and B2C on the same page), by using the shortcode:
How to use the content restriction shortcode
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