How to Bulk Import / Export Product Prices

Step by Step Import Export #

B2BKing has a built-in tool that allows you to configure prices in bulk via CSV upload. Here's how to access and use it.

The first step is going to B2BKing -> Tools -> Import / Export:

The second step is to click on "Download". This will download a CSV list of prices. We recommend that you modify the downloaded file directly, change prices there, save changes, and then reupload the same file.

When you open the downloaded CSV file you would see something like this:

In the first column, you can find the products. You can also directly enter IDs or SKUs there. In the next 3 columns you can find regular, sale, and tiered pricing (regular values). Then for each B2BKing group you can find their pricing in the next columns.

For regular and sale price you would enter normal numbers, but for tiered pricing there's a special format that is used: quantity:price;quantity:price;

For example, 10:70;20:60; means that if the user purchases at least 10 pieces, the price will be 70 per piece, and if the user purchases more than 20 pieces, the price will be 60 per piece.

The third step is to upload the CSV file you modified:

Video Demonstration #

Importing via MetaData #

While we are working to make the tool as good as possible, please note that B2BKing is not a dedicated import/export plugin. You may want to use dedicated plugins such as WP ALL IMPORT / EXPORT which have additional features and more powerful options when it comes to import processes.

To import with metadata, here you can find the meta keys B2BKing uses:

For group pricing:

For tiered pricing:

New: WooCommerce Importer Integration #

B2BKing's price importer may struggle when importing over 1000+ products, so we have added a new integration with WooCommerce's own import tool, which can handle much higher numbers.

B2BKing now fully integrates with WooCommerce's own import / export solution. To use it, follow these steps:

  • Go to the Products page in the backend
  • Click on Import
  • Select a file. If you are setting prices for already existing products (rather than importing new products), you must check the 'Update existing products' checkbox. Click Continue.
  • Now you can match each column to B2C price tiers, or to a B2B group's regular price, sale price, or price tiers. To import tiered prices you must use the same format as described previously in this article.

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