Purchase Order Gateway

Introduced in B2BKing v3.1.0, the purchase order gateway adds a PO field to checkout, allowing customers to enter their purchase order number.

How the Gateway Works #

Customers will be see the PO gateway as one of the payment gateways available during checkout:

To enable this feature, you would need to go to WooCommerce->Settings->Payments and enable the "Purchase Order" gateway there.

Please make sure to also enable this method in B2BKing -> Groups for your user groups. Methods can be controlled separately for each group, so that for example you can enable Purchase Orders for your B2B users only.

The method can be further configured via the WooCommerce settings page:

Purchase order numbers entered by customers will appear in the backend for each order when editing that order:

Note: The purchase order number would need to be issued manually using your business’ own purchase order management system.

Order Status #

By default, this gateway sets orders to the "On Hold" order status. If you'd like to change this, you can do so by adding a PHP code snippet to the site.

For example, to change this to the "Processing" status, add the following snippet:

add_filter('b2bking_purchase_order_status', function($status, $order){
	return 'processing';
}, 10, 2);

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