Order Form Themes & Styling

B2BKing introduces a powerful wholesale order form that allows your B2B customers to order quickly and easily.

There are 3 main themes you can choose from when using this form:

  • Classic
  • Indigo
  • Cream

The 'Classic' theme requires customers to search for products:

Customers can add multiple products to the form, and then add their selection to cart, or save it as a purchase list for later usage.

Since B2BKing version 4.1.5, two new themes, 'Indigo', and 'Cream' have been added. These themes show all products by default:

Indigo theme:

Cream theme:

Suggestion: We recommend the Cream theme as it is currently the most advanced, offering a wide range of options and integrations across various features.

(New!) Multi-Select Capability

Starting with v5.0.90, B2BKing introduces multi-select capability to the Cream order form. This allows selecting and adding multiple items to cart with a single click:

Multi-select Enabled

This feature can be turned on in B2BKing -> Settings -> Bulk Order Form, or for each form individually through shortcode parameters.

How to Switch Between Themes #

To change the default order form theme, you can go to B2BKing -> Settings -> Bulk Order Form, and change the 'Order Form Theme' setting:

Bulk Order Form Shortcode #

You can add the order form to any page or area by using the plugin's [b2bking_bulkorder] shortcode.

You can also choose the theme by using the theme parameter:

[b2bking_bulkorder theme=cream]

[b2bking_bulkorder theme=indigo]

[b2bking_bulkorder theme=classic]

(New!) The Cream theme now also supports showing SKU and Stock Quantities columns:

To do this, use sku=yes or/and stock=yes in your shortcode, e.g.:

[b2bking_bulkorder theme=cream sku=yes]

[b2bking_bulkorder theme=cream stock=yes]

[b2bking_bulkorder theme=cream sku=yes stock=yes]

Example: Order form with SKU column, using [b2bking_bulkorder theme=cream sku=yes]

When these additional columns are added to the form, we recommend you make sure the form is displayed on a wide page, so it has enough room to display everything correctly.

Add custom columns: It is possible to add your own custom columns via code snippets. See the above link for more details.

Indigo and Cream Theme Product Names #

By default, the indigo and cream themes will show the SKU or product ID in the product name. If you'd like to remove this for a cleaner look, you can add the following PHP code snippet to your site:

add_filter('b2bking_bulkorder_indigo_search_name_display', function($name, $product){
	$name = $product->get_name();
	return $name;
}, 10, 2);
add_filter('b2bking_bulkorder_cream_search_name_display', function($name, $product){
	$name = $product->get_name();
	return $name;
}, 10, 2);

Additional Information #

To learn more about possible options as well as see useful code snippets, please see the main Wholesale Order Form documentation.

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