Wholesale Prices: How to set different prices for wholesale buyers

Note: This article is written for the Core (Free) version of B2BKing. The Pro version has additional options and features.

First of all, you must install and activate the free B2BKing plugin. You can find it by simply going to Plugins -> Add New and searching for it:

You can now create a product or edit an existing product in WooCommerce. When editing a product, you will see two types of prices:

  • Regular prices
  • B2B prices
B2C and B2B prices when editing a product

In the above image, we have set the regular price to $199 and the B2B price to $179.

When opening the product, we will see the price is $199, because our user is a B2C user:

Product as it appears to B2C users

For each user, you can choose whether they are B2C or B2B on their user profile page. To change a user from B2C to B2B, go to their page and scroll down to 'Customer Group':

User is B2C

You can change the group to B2B and save the user profile:

User is now B2B

For example, we can change this setting for our own (admin) user account to observe the difference in prices. After saving the user profile we can refresh the product page and we will see the price now shows as $179:

Product as it appears to B2B users.

If you need more options, the Pro version of B2BKing has additional features in this area:

  • You can show both prices to wholesale users, so they can compare their price with the retail price:

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