Buy B2BKing
$199 $149
This article originally aimed to show the full feature list of B2BKing. As the plugin has grown, this has become almost impossible, as the plugin now has hundreds of features and integrations.
For an overview of the main features, we recommend you see:
Update November 23rd 2023:
Update February 4th 2021:
Update 05.06:
Product Category visibility:
Individual product visibility:
What you can achieve with this:
Enable only the components you need. Easily disable: bulk order form, conversations, offers, purchase lists, subaccounts
For guest users, ability to:
Offers allow you to give users/groups specific items with specific quantities and unit prices. For example: 1000 boxes at $0.1 unit price. You can give a user a specific offer, following a negotiation. You can also create seasonal or promotional offers and make them available to customer groups.
Registration Roles
Custom Registration Fields
Special VAT Field (EU VAT)
Manual Account Approval
Through dynamic rules, you can set: discounts (amount or percentage), fixed price, hidden price, free shipping, minimum and maximum orders (quantity or value), required multiples, tax exemptions, add tax or fee (amount or percentage).
Choose which products/categories a rule applies to.
Choose for which users or user groups a rule applies to. Can also choose: all registered users, all guest users, all B2B users, and all B2C users
Add conditions to each rule: total cart quantity and value, category quantity and value, product quantity and value.
Example: a “free shipping” rule can apply only if the user orders at least $1000 worth of product and at least 500 pieces.
This allows incredible versatility and full control over each individual user
Examples of things you can achieve:
For details about how "Dynamic Rules" work, see our dedicated article: Dynamic Rules
Update November 23rd 2023: B2BKing is now almost 4 years old and has over 15,000+ active installs. Thank you for your support!
We are committed to making B2BKing the leader in WordPress-based B2B e-commerce and SME B2B e-commerce.
B2BKing is a long-term project that we are constantly developing and supporting.
We understand the importance of trust and support, and aim to be working together with you to power your B2B e-commerce project.
We need your help to do this and you can assist us by sharing feedback and helping us make B2BKing the best it can possibly be.
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