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You may want to modify B2BKing emails, either in terms of design, text, or structure. Here are some options that can be used.
One popular option is using the free Kadence Email Designer plugin. This plugin can change the design of B2BKing emails, as well as add additional content.
Prebuilt Email Templates
With Kadence, you can enable templates, such as this one:
These templates will be applied to all B2BKing emails (and other site emails).
Furthermore, you can customize specific B2BKing emails:
You cannot modify the existing email text, but you can add additional content. In the above example, we've added "Get started!".
Here's an example of what that looks like with B2BKing's "Your account has been approved" emails:
Another option to modify B2BKing emails is using the YayMail email customizer plugin.
They have a paid, dedicated solution: "YayMail Addon for B2BKing".
We have only tested their free version, so we have not directly tested the B2BKing integration, but their plugin seems quite advanced and features a drag & drop builder:
They also advertise a 30-day money back guarantee, no questions asked.
If you'd like to modify existing text in emails, a simple option is using our guide here to modify plugin texts.
This method uses Loco Translate to make text changes. Please note this can change existing text, but cannot add new texts or modify email structure.
If you're looking to make structural changes or major changes to emails, you can do this by completely customizing the PHP email template.
This is done by copying the email template to your theme folder, and editing the template there.
For example:
Note! There is a folder difference between B2BKing and WooCommerce emails! WooCommerce email templates have to be copied to wp-content/themes/storefront/woocommerce/emails/ (note that B2BKing email templates are copied directly under the theme folder)
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