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B2BKing adds the ability to control which groups and individual users have access to which shipping and payment methods.
To do this, the first step is going to B2BKing->Groups:
Here you can control available methods for 3 categories of users:
After clicking on "Business Groups", you can then go to each user group and set payment and shipping methods for that group.
Simply check and uncheck desired options for the specific business group and then click "Update" to save your settings.
If you click on "Logged Out Users" or "B2C Users", you will see a panel like the following one:
You can check or uncheck options and when you are done, click "Save Settings"
Note: Methods for B2C and logged out users must be configured separately! B2C settings do NOT apply for logged out users.
You can also configure shipping and payment methods for each customer individually. This is done by going to their user profile page, and choosing "Manual setting" in the shipping and payment methods dropdown.
Then you can enable / disable methods for that specific user:
If you're not able to see your shipping method in B2BKing ->Groups, it's probably because it uses a non-standard implementation mechanism (not visible as a standard method in WooCommerce -> Settings -> Shipping)
You can try to add the following PHP snippet to the site to see if it can fix that:
add_filter('b2bking_use_zone_shipping_control', function($val){ return false; }, 10, 1);
The above snippet changes the shipping control mechanism used by B2BKing from a zone-based mechanism to a non-zone mechanism, and thus different methods will be available. This may help if your shipping method is not added to a particular zone.
It is important to note that shipping zones cannot be separate for B2B and B2C, only the shipping methods inside a zone can.
Therefore the following is an INCORRECT configuration:
This is because in WooCommerce, a customer only matches a single zone, based on their geographic location.
Therefore zones should only handle the geographic locations, and to configure different shipping methods you must go inside each zone and set different B2B / B2C methods in that zone.
The following article also contains important information relevant if you are looking to configure different shipping costs for B2B and B2C.
Set different shipping costs for B2B and B2C
Note: B2BKing works with any WooCommerce payment gateway and any shipping method.
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