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By default, B2BKing does not remove all its data when it is uninstalled. This is a safety precaution to prevent accidental losses of important data.
To completely remove B2BKing and all its data from the database, you can do the following prior to uninstalling the plugin:
Add this PHP code snippet to your site:
update_option('b2bking_keepdata_setting', 0);
If you have already removed the plugin before reading this article, you can instead run the following code snippet:
// clear options global $wpdb; $plugin_options = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT option_name FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name LIKE '%b2bking%'" ); foreach( $plugin_options as $option ) { delete_option( $option->option_name ); } // clear all custom posts $post_types = array('b2bking_custom_role', 'b2bking_custom_field', 'b2bking_group', 'b2bking_rule', 'b2bking_offer', 'b2bking_conversation'); foreach ($post_types as $type){ $allposts= get_posts( array('post_type'=> $type,'numberposts'=>-1) ); foreach ($allposts as $eachpost) { wp_delete_post( $eachpost->ID, true ); } } // clear user metadata $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM $wpdb->usermeta WHERE meta_key LIKE '%b2bking%'"); // clear product metadata $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_key LIKE '%b2bking%'");
This snippet can be added to a code snippets plugin and run once, or it can be added to functions.php and removed after it runs.
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