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B2BKing introduces an "Offers" functionality, through which you can create Bundles / Quotes, selling specific items and quantities at specific prices. These offers can be made available to specific users, emails, or customer groups.
Offers can be emailed, or downloaded as PDF files with your company's logo. Once a customer has received an offer, they can simply add it to cart and checkout directly.
Usage Examples
Offers can be created in the admin backend, in B2BKing -> Offers. There you can add individual items, quantities and unit prices, and then save the offer:
For each offer it is possible to configure:
When creating an offer, you can enable the "Send this offer by email" checkbox, so that customers receive an email copy of the offer.
When enabled, customers will receive an email such as the following one:
By default, you can see product selector dropdown when configuring an offer:
It is possible to replace this with a text box, by disabling the setting in B2BKing -> Settings -> Quotes & Offers -> "Show products selector in offers".
Once this has been set, you can now enter text instead of selecting products from a dropdown:
You can enter any text and price, therefore this is a good way to add any custom fees, services, shipping cost, etc.
If you want to use text boxes but still connect specific products (e.g. so that they are automatically retrieved and their stock quantities are synced), you can enter them as "product_1234" where 1234 is the product ID:
Once an offer has been created, users with the permission to see it (they were manually selected, or they are part of a group which has permission), will see the offer in their "My account" sections. B2BKing introduces a dedicated "Offers" section in "My account".
Offers can be added to cart and purchased directly:
When a customer sends a quote request, you can respond to it by using the "Make offer" button:
This will convert the quote request to an offer and you can then enter prices for each item requested.
Users can download PDF files of your offers, and documents can also include your company's logo in the header.
The logo can be configured through offer settings, in B2BKing -> Settings -> Quotes & Offers:
[b2bking_offers] - Adds the offers page anywhere.
[b2bking_offers id=1234] - Adds an individual offer anywhere on the site. For example you can use this to add an offer to a product's description, advertising a bundle that product is part of.
To get an offer's ID, go to B2BKing -> Offers in the backend and click on the offer. The number in the URL (e.g. ?post=1234) is the ID of the offer.
It is possible to add a custom header row to the offer PDFs, by using one of the following code snippets:
Center-Aligned Line 1
add_filter('b2bking_custom_content_offer_pdf_center_1', function($text){ $text = 'Your custom content and test here'; return $text; }, 10, 1);
This can be used to display a header like this one:
Center-Aligned Line 2:
add_filter('b2bking_custom_content_offer_pdf_center_2', function($text){ $text = 'Your custom content and test here'; return $text; }, 10, 1);
Left-Aligned Line 1:
add_filter('b2bking_custom_content_offer_pdf_left_1', function($text){ $text = 'Your custom content and test here'; return $text; }, 10, 1);
Left-Aligned Line 2:
add_filter('b2bking_custom_content_offer_pdf_left_2', function($text){ $text = 'Your custom content and test here'; return $text; }, 10, 1);
If you use text with a non-Latin script, you may see that characters appear like this in PDF documents:
This happens because the PDF generation library does not include all fonts by default. Such fonts can have a very large size (e.g. 20+mb), which is why we cannot include them directly with the B2BKing plugin.
To solve this, you can use a PHP code snippet to link to a custom font.
We recommend you try the Sun-ExtA.ttf font, as it resolves the vast majority of issues with Arabic, Korean, Thai, Japanese, etc.
After downloading the above font, upload it to your site (or any other link).
Then add this PHP code snippet to your site:
add_filter('b2bking_pdf_downloads_font', function($font_url){ $font_url = ''; return $font_url; }, 10, 1);
You need to set the $font_url variable to your own font link.
It should then work to display the custom scripts in PDFs:
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