Buy B2BKing
$199 $149
With B2BKing, it is possible to create B2B customer groups and assign each customer to a specific group. Then you can set a separate price for each group when editing a product or variation.
In the above example, we can see that the "Regular price" is $699, whereas the "B2B Users Regular price" is $599.
When a logged out user views that product's page, they will see it as:
However, if a user logs in with a B2B account, they will see the following:
Group prices can also be set directly via metadata (directly in the database, or using any import tool). To do that, here are the 2 meta keys that can be used:
Replace "GROUPID" with the ID of the group you are setting prices for.
If you set the product meta key b2bking_regular_product_price_group_222 = 199, then B2B users in the group with ID 222 will see the product's price as $199.
Note: these metadata keys apply only for group pricing (regular and sale price). For tiered price metadata, please see the dedicated tiered pricing documentation.
When setting pricing via metadata, you can also set unique prices for each individual user, by username. This can be achieved by setting the following meta keys for a product:
Replace "USERNAME" with the username of the user you are setting prices for.
If you set the product meta key b2bking_regular_price_user_jimsmith = 149, then the user jimsmith will see the product's regular price as $149
It is also possible to import and export group prices, either by using B2BKing's price tool, or by using the WooCommerce products importer integration.
To learn about using these tools, please see the dedicated documentation article:
How to Bulk Import / Export Product Prices
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