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Are you seeing an error saying "No available payment / shipping methods" during checkout?
B2BKing has a feature to control payment and shipping method availability for logged out users / b2c users / each b2b group.
Not seeing methods is a common issue that happens when you assign users to B2B groups, but the group you assigned them to has no methods for shipping or payments enabled.
Go to B2BKing -> Groups and choose the group that the user is part of. Here you need to enable shipping and payment methods via checkboxes.
Click Save, and that's it!
If you do not need B2BKing to control shipping/payment methods and would like to completely disable this behaviour:
Go to B2BKing->Settings->Other-> scroll down to Advanced:Endpoints&Components->Components and activate "Disable shipping methods control" and "Disable payment methods control"
If you're not able to see your shipping method in B2BKing ->Groups, it's probably because it uses a non-standard implementation mechanism (not visible as a standard method in WooCommerce -> Settings -> Shipping)
You can try to add the following PHP snippet to the site to see if it can fix it:
add_filter('b2bking_use_zone_shipping_control', '__return_false');
The above snippet changes the shipping control mechanism uses by B2BKing from a zone-based mechanism to a non-zone mechanism, and thus different methods will be available. This will help if your shipping method is not added to a particular zone.
If you still have issues, please open a support ticket with us at
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